Get Involved

alumni mentoring a current student

Share Your Professional Expertise

You can get involved with Widener in many ways—but perhaps none is as powerful as sharing your knowledge. Current students and alumni alike can benefit from you sharing your professional expertise. Help us foster knowledge sharing and career connections on WidenerCONNECT. 

Close up of Widener Pride statues

Serve on the Alumni Council

Every two years, the Alumni Council elects new members who represent the wide range of ages, backgrounds and majors that make up Widener's community. As a member of the Council, you will play a valuable role in shaping the alumni experience for your fellow graduates. 

Duncan Wardle presents at Widener

Collaborate With Us

Widener is always on the lookout for alumni to speak on thought-provoking subjects and current topics at alumni and student events. If you are interested in presenting or serving as a panelist, please email

Volunteer for Reunion Events

Widener understands the importance of staying in touch and remaining a part of the community. With your help, you can help organize reunions and take pride in the fact that you helped connect your fellow alumni community. If you are interested in serving as a reunion volunteer, please email

alumni speaking at podium during award ceremony

Nominate Fellow Alumni for Awards

Widener takes immense pride in the brilliant individuals that make up its alumni community. If you feel that one of your fellow classmates deserves recognition, submit a nomination for an alumni award.